Watching derby. Writing about derby. Looking at my rather empty calendar.  I don’t have any games on the books (except a possible Labor Day hop to Flagstaff) and it’s sort of like I feel a bit lost.  There’s so much happening in the personal life right now that I could use the distraction of training, …

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Life. We have no way to predict what it does or what it wants to do. Case in point: this week started with some major upheavals at home. All couples go through things, we aren’t any different. Then a routine annual led to an ultrasound led to bloodwork led to surgery. A man I have …

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This past ten days has been very difficult and I am right back where I was nearly a year ago.  I’ve made a solid mess of things in my desire to avoid my grief and repress my real feelings about life and pretending to be something I’m not has gotten me in the middle of …

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Maybe if I had written more about how things really were. Or listened to the pain I had written of here, this would not have happened. Things would still be bright and clean. If lie upon lie didn’t stack up until they toppled maybe we’d have found ways to crawl out of this and be …

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